
The Watch: Daniel Wellington

So this one basically was a no-brainer. I’m from Wellington and my brother, well, he’s called Daniel. Need I say more? Apart from that little coincidence (is there ever such a thing?) I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t loving this watch. It’s got an unoffensive preppy thing happening and it’s very sophisticated. But more than that it’s also easy. And by easy I mean it goes with everything – honestly.
Daniel Wellington, who actually was a real person, inspired Filip Tysander (the founder of Daniel Wellington – confused yet?) to fuse classic timepieces with weathered Nato straps. Why? Well Mr. Wellington wore his Rolexes this way, as did James Bond in Goldfinger. The idea was about being unpretentious while remaining gentlemanly (you know, the whole je ne sais quoi relaxed debonair thing). Essentially the strap has the unique ability to dress-down any dressed-up look. De-formalizing if you will. And all while staying sharp – which, by-the-way, is alway the point. 
If your budget is more dash than cash then Daniel Wellington is the perfect option. I usually pair mine with several bracelets and charms because nothing beats a good wrist party. What’s more the strap is completely interchangeable and each is named after a prominent British university town. Technically I should have worn this one (because I went there) but instead I chose both the Exeter and Belfast straps. After all, two straps are always better than one…
Learn more about Daniel Wellington and shop the collection here.
– Photos by Alexander Atkins
what do you think?
  • VDimos

    Hey there.
    Any info on the Cuban Flag bracelet??
    I have to buy one…
    Thanx in advance.

    • Florent Vola

      Any luck in finding out what brand of wristband the Cuban flag is?

  • Stephen

    Where is your onyx bracelet with gold skull from?

  • This DW watch is so much Gorgious and it suits that guy’s hand with bracelets are love. You should check Daniel Wellington watches coupons. Thanks

  • Giuseppe

    Hi do you know where can i buy the bracelet with the gold skull?